The Garden in July and August 2017


Summer’s star attractions have been these Angel’s Fishing Rods which sway gently on the breeze. They lean over my little pond, as though fishing for complements!


Although my Lavatera seems to be living out its final summer, it is covered in luscious pink blooms, reaching for the sky:


Meanwhile, Crocosmia lucifer has such a radiant orange smile:

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Which matches this Day Lily:


Looking up the path towards my Balinese Buddha, pink Geraniums, purple Drumstick Allium and cerise Carnations spill onto the gravel.

I have been ruthlessly removing self seeded Geraniums which blocked my way forwards. They are all re-potted, awaiting new homes.


These pretty Catanache caerulea were grown from seed. I love their intense blue:


One of my white Agapanthus has had a blue rinse:


And Clematis jackmanii is wrapping herself around Rosa glauca for extra support:


The front garden is looking good. I love these Lychnis coronaria, which are such a wonderful shade of magenta:


They are near neighbours to this pretty Lace Cap Hydrangea:


An Irish garden would not be complete without a red Fuschia, whose flowers look so delicate yet are so hardy:


Finally, these pretty Japanese Anemones will light up my front garden for weeks to come:


Happy Gardening.

Brigid P. Gallagher is a retired natural medicines therapist, passionate organic gardener and author of “Watching the Daisies- Life lessons on the Importance of Slow,” a holistic memoir dedicated to the art of mindfulness and healing from debilitating illness.


  1. Brigid, what a beautiful, calming garden – thank you so much for sharing it with us and for letting me know some of the names of plants in my own haven! I’m an avid fan of Fuchsias and you sum them up perfectly. Wishing you a lovely start to the new month! 😀❤️

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  2. Oh Brigid -spell binding. We have so many plants in common.. which just goes to show what great taste I have (to have the same plants as you!!!!) Lucifer, Japanese anenomes,agapanthus, day lilies all stunning. I have never grown angel’s fishing rods but certainly tempted. Are they easy?

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  3. I love the name “angels fishing rods!” I am quite impressed at your extensive knowledge of all your flowers. We are down to the final zinnia; everything else is fading or has faded away. The light is changing every day…autumn is almost here!

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  4. Yours is a lovely garden. “Angels Fishing Rods” sounds much better than “Dierama” and yours are more obliging than mine which steadfastly insist on growing away from the pond rather than over it. Sorry to read of your sister’s passing. Did she perhaps have a favourite plant for which you could find a place in your garden? I have several plants here which are associated with people or events in my life. It’s sometimes nice to pause, look and remember.

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    • Thank you John. Yes I shall pobder on what to plant. I have a lovely Witch hazel in my front garden in memory of my dear pussycat Ginger. It flowers every year in February – the anniversary of his passing. 🌼


  5. Wow–love all the blooms you have growing Brigid!! I wish we could grow clematis here– think it’s too hot?? So beautiful climbing up toward the sun. You must really have a green thumb! Fun to see it change at different times of the year… thanks! xox

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      • That’s fun Brigid– imagining your garden ahead! Wha changes are you thinking of making?? Our back yard has suffered over the last couple years of drought (and I must admit she neglect!). so now that Larry is retired, I have big plans for bak there (ha!) — Hope to work on all the beds as spring comes in February and March– some new perennials and taking out a couple way overgrown shrubs. Will wait to see you next summer garden! hugs friend!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am moving a few things first and replanting a bed I cleared out in early summer. I have ordered some beautiful tall lilies and bought lots more bulbs after seeing the Keukenhof Gardens in May. Like you I will be taking out a couple of large shrubs but they will get good homes. X


  6. What beauties!! I love how you say they are fishing for compliments…very clever!! How lovely to come and sit and be surrounded by all these gorgeous colors. So pretty Brigid. xo

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  7. The garden is looking lovely Brigid….well it did when this post was written. We are having terrible heavy rain here in Wiltshire and it has battered parts of my garden to pieces!
    Anyway I love the blue of your Catanache caerulea. In fact I love blue flowers as they are so intense in their colour I think.

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