Thank You for Helping Me to Navigate the Virus

After two days of extreme fatigue, followed by a sore throat, I wondered, could this be the dreaded virus?

Surely not!

A day later a burning/tingling sensation and a tightness gripped my left lung and ribs, and I sensed it moving to my lower right lung/ribs.

My hands, feet and the lymph glands in my neck had a similar burning/tingling sensation.


Calling the Doctor

I telephoned my local surgery immediately, and a kind doctor noted my symptoms. I was put on the waiting list for a C****** Test.

Advice offered included keeping well hydrated, and getting plenty of fresh air. If my condition worsened, I should call back for help.

I was also told to self isolate for fourteen days.

Reaching Out to a Friend

Feeling somewhat fearful for my future, I reached out to a natural medicines therapist friend asking for healing thoughts and prayers. Thankfully, my request was accepted and I felt my breathing ease a little that evening.

No Test

Unfortunately, due to long waiting lists and other pressures, testing guidelines changed at midnight that day, and online advice suggested I should call my doctor’s surgery once again.

I spoke to the same kind doctor, updating my symptoms. Under the new guidelines I was no longer eligible for the test, having only one of three major symptoms.  Two major symptoms were needed to get the test.

She affirmed that I should call back if needed, and to continue self isolation.

Further Support

Feeling in need of further support, I called on my social media friends for warm thoughts and healing prayers.


A HUGE response followed.

Within hours, my breathing eased considerably, and the tightness round my ribs disappeared over the following days.

Other Supports

As a retired natural medicines therapist and teacher, I have always been incredibly proactive in my well being.

My natural medicines toolkit was fully utilized, including aromatherapy essential oil inhalations, and massages of essential oils in a carrier oil around my ribs twice daily.

Vitamin C and Zinc at therapeutic dosage levels were added to my usual dietary supplements of Magnesium, Omega 3,6, 9 and vitamin D3.

Homemade Soup, Fresh Air and Friendship

Although my appetite was much diminished, I enjoyed homemade soups from a selection I had prepared earlier, defrosted as needed from my freezer.

My garden always lifts my spirits, and I followed doctors orders once again, sitting outside as much as possible in glorious spring sunshine.

I could not have traveled this journey alone, and I will be forever grateful for phone calls from my family, and goodwill messages from my blogging and social media friends around the globe.

I am still somewhat fragile but recovering well.

Thank you one and all.

May you and yours stay safe and well.

Brigid P. Gallagher is a retired natural medicines therapist, passionate organic gardener and author of “Watching the Daisies- Life lessons on the Importance of Slow,” a holistic memoir dedicated to the art of mindfulness and healing from debilitating illness.








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