St Brigid’s Cross Making


St Brigid’s Day is traditionally celebrated on 1 February, which is also considered the first day of spring here in Ireland, also known as Imbolc.


Brigid was born in 451 AD, and was destined to become a nun and an abbess.  She founded several convents, the most famous at Kildare, on the site of a shrine to the Celtic goddess Brigid.

Saint Brigid is said to have woven a cross from the rushes of a floor mat, as she taught a dying man about Christianity.  Thus, the tradition of making crosses from rushes or straw to mark Brigid’s feast day was born…

St Brigid Cross Making

On 31 January 2017, I joined a local gathering to learn more about cross making, among some very experienced weavers.


A cross made from straw by a local craftsman

Rushes lay ready prepared in neat bundles on the floor, and were then distributed along a series of tables.  I was taught by an experienced hand, who had me weaving in no time.

The basic cross making technique is simple – once you have had a few practices!


You begin with two rushes, bending one over the other.


Now add one rush at a time, crossing the last set, turning the cross with each addition, whilst keeping everything as tight as possible.


The centre of the cross begins to take shape.

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Once you are happy with the size of your cross, tie the ends with wool or string.  I added extra ties around the central square, as I liked the finished effect, plus it keeps everything extra secure…

Here is my first completed cross:


My enthusiasm knew no bounds, and I made two more crosses in the same design:


Followed by a triangular version:


Finally, I made a very simple cross, woven with two sets of six rushes:



Half way through the proceedings, we were treated to bowls of mashed potatoes and chopped scallions, topped off with butter and warm milk.  This is a traditional Irish dish known as bruitin (pronounced broo-cheen).  My tummy was incredibly happy!

I shall be making more St Brigid’s Crosses again tonight – a beautiful Celtic tradition.

Brigid P. Gallagher is a retired natural medicines therapist, passionate organic gardener and author of “Watching the Daisies- Life lessons on the Importance of Slow,” a holistic memoir dedicated to the art of mindfulness and healing from debilitating illness.


      • Not here in Cincinnati – we are expecting snow! We usually can’t expect what I think of as Spring weather here until mid-April, in any case (although we do get a tease or two earlier).

        I set myself the challenge of visiting and commenting on every blog in this week’s Senior Salon. I saved yours for last, I must admit, since my life does not allow for crafts at present. I was so pleased when I got here that I had followed through on my challenge.

        My religious upbringing was sporadic at best, since my mother was forced to pack, move and unpack an Air Force family of 7 practically yearly, while my father put in long hours at work. We were a Protestant family, so I’d have learned little of saints in any case. Base Chaplains already have their work cut out — attempting to serve all Protestant denominations in a single service.

        This was a wonderful history lesson for me – and I so appreciate the underlying value of keeping the old traditions alive. Thanks for a great read.
        (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
        ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
        “It takes a village to educate a world!”

        Liked by 3 people

  1. This post emitted coziness in your accounting of the craft and increased my knowledge of your local folklore. Really made my day, thank you.
    I wonder, do persons in your culture greet one another with a “Happy St. Brigids Day” on February 1st as well?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. [J] Where we stay in South Uist is Cille Bhrighde: on the small beach by our walled garden, Birgid stepped ashore in the Outer Hebrides for the first time (some believe that Hebrides is derived from Isle of Birgid), an oyster-catcher (Gille Bhrighde – servant boy of Birgid) perched symbolically on each wrist. Later a Celtic Chrisian chapel was built here, named after her, and though the chapel is long gone, to this day the place is known as Cille Bhrighde – the chapel of Birgid.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh wow that is so cool. I love the third one too that is my favorite also. Yum mashed potatoes my tummy would have been happy too!! So Spring starts Feb 1 for you? Huh, I like it…when does summer start?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Brigid, wow, a fascinating post and I just want to rush out and try this! I am so impressed with your crosses and am particularly taken with the last simpler version. What a wonderful tradition and despite having visited Ireland numerous times, I’ve never heard of this particular skill. Wishing you many happy meditative hours making your creations. 😀 Ps. do you mark the saint’s day of your name at all?

    Liked by 1 person

      • It is here too but already some plants are starting to peak out and the birds are definitely tweeting more. 🙂
        Also lovely to find out about St Brigid, even though the first thing I saw when I started to scroll down was ‘Brigid was born in 451 AD’ – you’re the only Brigid I know so I was abit confused for a moment! 🙂 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. When I was young I lived in a village where most activities centred around the parish church and thechurch calendar. At age 11 I became a bell-ringer, having to stand on an orange box to reach the bellrope, my brothers were choirboys and I remember the annual gathering at the vicarage to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday. These were given out to the congregation during the service.
    Lovely post 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I so enjoyed your story and your weaving! The beginning is always the hardest because there is so much in a small area. Is Imbolc.the official date for Spring or is that a Celtic tradition? I love it when we learn from each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Terri. Yes the beginning is rather fiddly! Imbolc is a Celtic tradition that many people still regard as the first day of spring in Ireland. Others go with 1 March or even 21 March so it gets rather confusing…
      The bulbs here are well up this year so I will go with 1 February for 2018.


  7. I love this Brigid, what a lovely way to “step out of the fray” for a bit and do something that quiets the heart & mind! Over the past few months, crocheting has been doing that for me… What kind of rushes are used?

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