A Meditation on World Healing

I am sharing this post from 2017 once again as it feels appropriate.

The world is in a great state of turmoil at the moment, and many people are fearful for their future and the future of our planet…

The opposite of fear is LOVE and my personal belief is that through LOVE we can change much that is out of balance in our world.

It may seem simplistic to think that MEDITATION can make a difference, but I know in my heart that it does…

I alone cannot change the Worl

Today, I felt compelled to share this simple MEDITATION, which I have practised every morning for a long number of years.


  • Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you will not be disturbed by other people or pets
  • Switch off any mobile phones…
  • Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful rose pink healing light filling your heart with LOVE
  • Imagine the LOVE from this rose pink healing light is filling your entire body
  • Imagine it expanding outwards to fill your home
  • Imagine it moving onward to your city, town or village, sending LOVE and HEALING to EVERYONE
  • Imagine it travelling to EVERYONE in the country you live in, and then expanding around the whole of the EARTH
  • Stay with this feeling of sending LOVE and HEALING to EVERYONE for several minutes
  • Imagine in your heart what a difference this would make for MANKIND
  • Gradually bring your awareness back into your physical body and into the room where you are seated or lying. Slowly open your eyes, before stretching out your arms and legs, feeling your feet strongly anchored on the ground, and giving thanks for the HEALING that has taken place
  • REPEAT as often as possible.

If you keep a diary, note down your thoughts and feelings about your healing journey.

Do you have any thoughts on the power of meditation or prayer?

I would love to have your feedback.

Brigid P. Gallagher is a retired natural medicines therapist, passionate organic gardener and author of “Watching the Daisies- Life lessons on the Importance of Slow,” a holistic memoir dedicated to the art of mindfulness and healing from debilitating illness.


  1. Thank you for this! I wanted to start with meditation many times lately, but it seems with two kids the first step is the most difficult, ha! You gave me some wonderful, loving inspiration to try again!

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  2. The words of Saint Francis are amongst the most beautiful ever written and this liturgy is lovely. Your meditation will be adopted chez moi, and I do believe that we can heal the world with our thoughts. ❤️ 🌸

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    • Thank you Osyth. I believe you are right. There are so many great people banding togetger fir peace right now. I shared a post on Facebook from a lovely Donegal woman who has been encouraging people to bake for peace. She has created a lot of ripples. I wanted to ask if you mind my sharing your review in a post. It was my 25th so quite significant for me. I would love to add a link to one of your posts of choice if that suited. How are those exams going? 🌼

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      • Of course I don’t mind – I would love you to share it – would be honoured actually. I would certainly join in the baking for peace too. Peaceful positive protest is what is needed and I am certain that the weight of all that energy will prevail. I just took the main exam this morning and have the practical elements of the course assessment to do in the next two days. Thank you for thinking of me … I felt a lot of positive energy as I was taking the exam 🙂

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      • I’ll find out in about 2 weeks – I now have to submit two quite large pieces of written work and supporting materials and then I’m done – hoping the have them sorted and submitted by close on Friday. Thank you for the prayers …. just thank you. In terms of what to link to I am very happy for you to choose. Once I have pressed ‘post’ on a piece I give it away, so to speak 🙂

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  3. What a beautiful meditation Brigid. I look forward to sitting quietly tonight and doing this when I have my quiet time. Special time. If only everyone could do it. Thank you xo ✨

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Hello Brigid,
    What a beautiful post, both in presentation and in content.
    It’s such a lovely image and I will practise this when I find my quiet time later.
    Thank you for an important message,
    Best wishes,
    Di 💐

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  5. this was just beautiful Brigid, channeling energy and light is harnessing power within us. may seem not much but just by changing ourselves or rather our way of thinking for that day through meditation we can affect the lives of those around us in a positive way. i am so happy you shared this piece of your life,helps me be more reflective of the goodness in spite of all the strive and turmoil. be blessed always.

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  6. Brigid, The prayer of St. Francis is one of my favorite meditations. It truly does spread loving kindness through the world. Thanks for sharing your loving kindness. The world is a better place for it.

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  7. I don’t remember exactly where I heard it, but your meditation reminded me of something I read in a book years ago, it may have been Deepak Chopra.

    The little story ran than a person had been meditating on the love of God to a point where it was their dominant emotion. This person said to their relatively new significant others, “You know, I think I love you as much as I love all of humanity.”

    It was intended as a grand gesture, but one that was in danger of only making sense to very few, and seeming rather rude to the rest!

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  8. Brigid, a beautiful calming post…just what I needed this morning! 😀 Thank you for sharing your morning meditation…I do believe in its power and ability to change oneself and others…just as per the wonderful quote…however I have never managed to setttle into a routine, even though I know it would be good for me. I do stop, settle my thoughts, eyes, mind through the day…little steps, perhaps? Inspiring post filled with love! 😀❤️

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    • Thank you Annika. Little steps are good. I have been doing this for a long time and it part of my routine. I get up and make a cup of tea, go back to bed to drink it, write up my gratitude diary then do my meditation. It takes a little while but I am set up for the day! 😊

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  9. What a beautiful, calming post – as soon as I saw your St. Francis of Assisi quote I thought of my Mom, she is a lover of all like he was… each week in my yoga class we engage in a similar meditation… your lovely words are inspiring me to try to make this a daily practice and you are right, healing energy is so needed right now!

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  10. Hello Daisies.
    I LOVE this post and am seeking your permission to re-blog it in order to draw attention to it. I won’t do this until I’ve got permission. However, if you would rather me not re-blog then that’s fine. I’m ok with that too. ~ Cobs xxx

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  11. Reblogged this on The Cobweborium Emporium and commented:
    I’m a follower of a Blog called: Watching the Daisies, written by Bridig Gallagher, a published author. This post resonated with me so very much that I asked Bridig (who by the way I called ‘Daisies’) if she would mind if I Reblogged her post as I very much wanted it to reach more people. In these times of worry about the direction the world seems to be heading, I think the more of us who can practise this, the better.
    ~ Cobs. xxx

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  12. I love your last step Brigid!! “repeat as often as possible!” I try to quiet my heart and pray in the mornings– center my life on what is true and real and eternal. Thank you for the encouragement to everyone in this way… You’e the best! xox friend!

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  13. Oh I love this idea. I meditate daily so I shall try this the next time I do. I’m with you Brigid, I believe that we can send love out into the world and it does make a difference. Thanks for sending it all these years…I know it has made a difference. xo

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  14. I am so glad I read this post, Brigid. ❤ Thank you for your healing prayer. I do a Peace Prayer every day, where I let go of againstness in my consciousness and imagine Light and peace enfolding the planet. It's a way for me to share the Light inside of me and surrender to divine will. Love to you, Brigid – so glad you are on WordPress community. You are a bright Light, you know. Love, Debbie

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  15. Really Very Beautiful Written love your blog post. Meditation is knowing oneself through the experience of bliss of oneness. The systematic steps of Yoga withdraw the mind from the external senses and make it concentrate inward. This internal focus harmonizes the mind with cosmic consciousness. Any activity where personal identity is lost as it merges into nothingness is an example of meditation. If you want to know more about meditation visit our blog hope it will helpfull and informative for you thank you so much for sharing https://www.spirityoga.org/blog/

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  16. I love this meditation practice you’ve shared, I have a few that I do from time to time but I am so glad that I read this today because the world really does need some extra tlc, thanks for sharing and I will be sure to try this one out! 💜💜💜

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  17. Thank you so much for sharing Brigid.
    I have always found it difficult to fit in daily meditation.
    During this unusual period where there is ample peace & quiet (a thing at times was difficult to find recently in The Gambia) I value the mental space it has created.
    I found an app ‘Oak’ on my I phone & I just love it.
    One of the meditation choices is ‘loving kindness’ where, if you like you can place your hand on your heart & the meditation guides you through sending loving kindness first to yourself, another individual & the whole world.
    I find the deep breathing & healing is so beneficial, I love it.
    Whenever I have had healing treatments in the past I always see colour blue.
    Hope you are keeping well 🙏❤️

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  18. I will try this. I was rather shaken up to think this shelter-in-place would last at least another month. But I’ll suck it up and do it. I trust those leading us, until I don’t and will face things head on. I got this!

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  19. Since I read your book, I have used that meditation often. As you know, I believe that LOVE really is all we need. Let the love shine – we can heal the world if we allow it. X

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  20. I loved this meditation. I strongly believe in the power of thought and sending out love into the world . We as human beings as far more power than a lot of people realise. Sending you love and healing Bridget 🙏

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  21. Excellent and inspiring way of meditation, Brigid and I loved the truthful quote by Mother Teresa. Love is everything and with the power of meditation we all can be healed and our world does require to clean its self from selfishness and have selflessness to get rid of any viruses. Stay safe, Brigid.

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  22. I also believe that thoughts have power to alter energy, to reach others, and change the vibration of the world. Your meditation is beautiful, Brigid. Just reading it filled me with peace and left me with a smile. Thanks for sharing and for the reminder that we can make a difference even as we sit at home. 🙂 I’ll be sure to meditate in the garden later this morning. ❤

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